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We’ll help you set the right course
from Pre-production through


Developing for just one platform or market is limiting. Let’s collaborate on a worldwide strategy to your media to every platform.


Trajectory is well connected and aligned with several producers and labs to get your show done right and on budget.

Post Production
Post Production

Trajectory has the experience to get your media built so it will sail though quality control domestically and internationally.


Mastery of delivery and an high rate of technical acceptance – that’s why Ross is known as the “client whisperer.”


We’ll help with archiving and set you up with the best systems for tracking and processing your assets and intellectual property.

Workflow Management
Workflow Management

Let us analyze your current processes to help increase your profitability while speeding your show to market.

Yup, the whole kit and caboodle

Don’t take our word for it

Ross is visionary in his thinking and execution, a true leader and professional.

Allan Schollnick

Localization – Vendor Contractor at Deluxe Media

We provide asset management and protection (of all media assets), forward thinking problem solving, and workflow optimization for the media lifecycle from development through distribution.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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